We would like to say a huge thank you to Oli and Georgia who walked 40 miles across London last month in aid of our charity. Supported by close friends who joined throughout the day, the team completed the ‘Sunrise to Sunset’ walk in 11.5 hours and raised an incredible £3,000 for the Mindstep Foundation. Thank you, Oli and Georgia, and also those who supported and donated.
“We were both keen to do something that was original, but something that would still challenge us. Approximately 800,000 people take their lives every year - a staggering one person every 40 seconds. It made perfect sense to us that 40-miles of something would be a meaningful challenge. As we are both currently working and living in London, we decided to focus our challenge around the city and walk a 'sunrise to sunset', east to west route via some of London's most popular and busy areas.
We had practiced 10 and 20-mile walks in the lead up to the big day, and completed them with ease! 30 miles is a different ball game and it was at that point when we started to feel the pain and lose speed. Having our friends there throughout the day made it all the more easier, and kept us motivated! Georgia has come away very lightly from it all while Oli is still suffering a tad from shin splints!
Thank you to everyone who has donated to this amazing cause, we've been completely overwhelmed by the level of support and donations received smashing our original target!”- Oli Turney